A waste management company which has a mission of making city smarter by diverting waste from landfill.
Extra Carbon has Green Super Hero who responsible for door-to-door collection of
waste booked through Internet/phone. They have digitized the door-to-door waste collection thereby giving consumers a platform to recycle and record their recycling data. Customer can earn Jhoomley points by selling their waste and they can redeem these points on the E-commerce platform “www.jhoomley.com”.
Our Work
Initially Extra Carbon and Jhoomley were working independently and there was no relation among these systems. Jaarvis helped them to integrate these two systems and made it possible for customer to utilize the jhoomley points directly over www.jhooomley.com, Jaarvis tech also helped them in increasing their visibility and traffic on their website by integrating PayTm with www.jhooomley.com. Now customer can also convert their jhoomley credits to PayTm money.